วันอังคารที่ 1 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Here goes!

Hi! I've started blogs before, but after two weeks of blogging I gave up. I wasn't committed and I didn't care about it. But, this blog,  I promise myself to be my last blog. I need to try harder , to be responsible and not careless. I need to set up a routine and gain real readers.
Anyway out of the serious stuff, I guess you want to know more about me. My name is Pang , I would really like to be known is Miss Lemon. I'm originally from Bangkok , Thailand. I just moved to california and it's a blast so far. Collecting postcards used to be my main-hobby but after I discover the whole new world of crafting here, my mind just ran away. I was blown by the unlimited materials and supplies you can get at a local craft store. I now do embroidery , sewing , water coloring , baking , cooking and eating. I also send snail mail, read zines and take funny instax pictures!
Well here are some pictures about what's I'm up to!

